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Peer-Reviewed Journals
  • Aktunc, M.E. (2014). “Severe tests in neuroimaging: What we can learn and how we can learn it.” Philosophy of Science, 81, (5), 961-973. doi: 10.1086/677691.​ 
  • Aktunc, M.E. (2019). “Productive Theory-Ladenness in fMRI.” Synthese: Special Issue on Neuroscience and Its Philosophy​ . doi: 10.1007/s11229-019-02125-9
  • Aktunc, M.E. (2014). “Tackling Duhemian Problems: An Alternative to Skepticism of Neuroimaging in Philosophy of Cognitive Science.” Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 5, 449-464. doi: 10.1007/s13164-014-0186-3.
  • Aktunc, M.E., Hazar, C., Baytimur, E. (2020) "Error Rates and Uncertainty Reduction in Inductive Reasoning." Review of Philosophy and Psychology. doi: 10.1007/s13164-020-00494-6
  • Gupta, P. Lipinski, J., Aktunc, E. (2005). “Reexamining the phonological similarity effect in immediate serial recall: The roles of type of similarity, category cuing, and item recall.” Memory & Cognition, 33, (6), 1001-1016.
  • Gupta, P. Lipinski, J., Abbs, B. Lin, P., Aktunc, E., Ludden, D., Martin, N., Newman, R. (2004). “Space aliens and nonwords: Stimuli for investigating the learning of novel word- meaning pairs.” Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 36, (4), 599-603.
  • Gulgoz, S., Kumkale, G.T., Aktunc, M.E., & Eskenazi, T.T. (1999). “Designing Learnable Texts: The Effectiveness of Revisions Based on a Text Processing Model.” Document Design: Journal of Research and Problem Solving in Organizational Communication, 1,103-114. doi: 10.1075/dd.1.2.04gul.
Conference Proceedings
  • Aktunc, M.E. (2014). “Öğrenileni/Ölçüleni Belirlemek: Bilişsel Nörobilim’de Kanıt ve Çıkarım.” [Determining What is Being Measured/Learned: Evidence and Inference in Cognitive Neuroscience.] Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi: Yüzüncü Yıl Özel Sayısı, 51, 1, S35-S36.


  • Aktunc, M.E., & Poremba, A. (2002). “Effects of amygdala lesions on spatial reference memory using an eight-arm radial maze with differential rewards.” Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., 84.8.


  • Gülgöz, S., Aktunç, M. E., Şenol, D., & Van, H. A. (2000). “The effects of testing and delay on recall and learning of information from texts.” Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse,140-141, Universite Lumiere Lyon 2.


  • Gülgöz, S., Aktunç, M. E., & Eskenazi, T. T. (1999). “Recall of text information in two languages by bilinguals.” In A. Vandierendonck, M. Brysbaert, & K. Van Der Goten (Eds.), Eleventh Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology Proceedings. Gent: ESCOP/Academia Press.

Popular Press
  • Aktunç, M.E. (2013). “Acımasız İndirgemecilik”: İndirgenen Nedir?” [Ruthless Reductionism: What is being reduced?] Cogito, 75, 203-217.

Book Review
  • Aktunç, M.E. (2009). “Scientific Pluralism. Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Vol. XIX.”. Annals of Science, 66:2, 299-302.

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